Independent mine plan auditing


Could your organisation benefit from a fresh perspective?


 It is imperative that an objective and independent audit of the mine plan be conducted to ascertain that the plan will achieve it’s objectives and recommend any adjustments that may be required.

Are you meeting your planned objectives?

Attending to the day to day managing the operations often prevents companies to review the assumptions made during the planning stage, their relevance, applicability and if they’re on course to achieve the set objectives.


An independent mine plan audit is a systematic and efficient way to review the assumptions, time usage models, productivity, resource models etc. Such an audit will also identify new opportunities for further optimization of the entire mining system.

Totius mining provides

An independent mine plan audit that will provide you with an unbiased and objective report, identifying further optimisation opportunities.

The report will include the following features:


  • Detailed review of time usage models, productivity’s, and resource models.
  • Comparing planned vs actual results
  • Identification of constraints and challenges, their impact and providing a set of solutions
  • Improved confidence in mine planning that is both accurate and reliable
  • Devising plans and budgets that gives rise to the best strategy for the operation

What you can expect to receive

A team of highly skilled and experienced technical staff that will provide you with an independent mine plan audit that focus on achieving objectives whilst maximizing current asset utilization.


Do not hesitate to contact Totius Mining to explore how our team of experts can assist you.

Get In Touch

Brisbane, qld, Australia
+61 7 3202 9846