Inventory & constraint analysis


Do you have the right level of inventory, at the right place, at the right time to ensure optimal throughput?



Are you aware of all the constraints in your operation?

Do you have a plan of action that will systematically address them?

Did you know that most companies do not have an up-to-date assessment of their inventory levels and constraints?

When was the last time your company assessed it’s inventory levels and constraints?

Mining systems are very complex due to the high degree of variation that exists in the resource itself and in mining and processing of it. Every mining system is made up of interrelated and interdependent series of processes. Among these processes, there are various inventories used to buffer the variation within them.


A number of factors regarding inventory must be carefully considered and decided upon. These would include, the timing, the type, size and rate of utilisation.


At the same time, critical decisions must be made to reduce the costs in each inventory and process.


Considerations must also be made for sprint to maximise the throughput of the operation.

Totius mining provides

A detailed analysis of inventory and constraints together with options and recommendations from our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals.  

Our technical analysis will include several factors that deserve consideration:


  • The level of inventory required
  • The cost implications of the required inventory
  • Careful analysis of the deterioration effects
  • Analysis of the need for sprint and the resulting time and cost implications
  • Provision of a set of recommendations with regards to inventory and sprint options
  • Optimisation of the use of inventory and developing the capability to minimise the cost

What you can expect to receive

Inventory and constraint analysis focused on reducing costs and increasing profitability without compromising operations.


Totius Mining is ready to provide solutions to reduce your constraints and get the most out of your inventory. Contact us!

Get In Touch

Brisbane, qld, Australia
+61 7 3202 9846