Mine planning & Scheduling


Planning, Scheduling and management lead to return on investment. The Totius Mining professional team assists it’s clients to maximise this return whilst enhancing the quality and effectiveness of planning, scheduling, implementation and monitoring, with the finesse to reduce variables.

Do you wish to see your planning and scheduling at the level that ensures highest possible return on investment?

Totius Mining can help you do that.

A mine plan is not simply a design with a volume and a schedule. It demands knowledge and experience to accommodate variability where factors cannot be controlled. Our highly experienced technical team can assist you to arrive at a robust and optimised mine plan that strives for excellence and ensures maximum return on investment.

Our comprehensive process evaluates the entire system and

provides detailed analysis with a choice of options to

maximise the value for our clients

Totius mining provides

A professional service from an experienced team in the Mine Planning and Scheduling process.

We use the latest in Mine Planning software, Including:


  • Spry
  • Vulcan
  • Xpac
  • Deswik
  • 3D Dig

What you can expect to receive

A  Mine Plan and Schedule that has been developed by a knowledgeable and experienced team to provide maximum benefits to your organisation.


The Totius Mining team is totally committed to providing a service that is highly consistent, efficient and sustainable thus providing it’s valued clients with operational success and significant return on investment.

Get In Touch

Brisbane, qld, Australia
+61 7 3202 9846