Mine site cost & cash flow analysis


Analysis provides the opportunity to make the necessary changes to reduce costs and increase profitability.

Is it time for an independent and objective evaluation?

Some organisations face challenges when it comes to understanding the incremental costs of their processes, and how changing capacities through cost reduction can have a flow on effect on other processes and the system as a whole. Totius Mining provides a comprehensive system that addresses these challenges.


Whilst others may not have this challenge, they still require an independent and objective evaluation of their current processes.

Totius mining provides

Years of experience in building up operational costs and revenue systems for mining contractors and owners provides the capabilities to ensure compliance to their budget and constantly enhancing value for money. This experience along with our in-depth knowledge of system analysis positions our Clients to be leaders in maximising the profitability of their operations.


In considering and evaluating the whole system, an analysis of the operating cost and cash flow is carried out resulting in identifying where the operations can be financially and technically optimized.

Some of the features of our service include:


  • Reducing expenses while maximizing profits
  • Optimising income vs expenditure
  • Impact analysis of the incremental costs on the operation with the view to its optimisation
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Working with our Clients to ensure that all changes and improvements are implemented in a sustainable and effective manner resulting in maximum benefits for our Clients

What you can expect to receive

The mine site cost and cash flow analysis therefore offers a comprehensive approach to evaluating the operational cost, identifying areas for improvement and their impacts, resulting in the financial optimization of the operations.


Totius Mining’s comprehensive system is ready to address the challenges your organisation is facing!

Get In Touch

Brisbane, qld, Australia
+61 7 3202 9846